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Parrot Awareness Week: Introduction

The Parrot Society UK: An Introduction
Alan K Jones, former chairman 

Enrichment for Pet Parrots
Dr Vicki Baldrey BSc(Hons) BVSc DZooMed(Avian) FHEA MRCVS

UV Lighting for Pet Parrots
Reb Davis RVN APVN(avian)

The Importance of Foraging
Reb Davis RVN APVN(avian)

Housing - Alan Jones MRCVS (retd.)

Preventative Health - Molly Rogerson RVN

Flight - Reb Davis RVN

Companionship - Tariq Abou-Zahr DipECZM(Avian) MRCVS

Parrot Awareness Week Organisers: 



©2024 by Parrot Awareness Week, Organised by the Parrot Society UK, Registered Charity No. 268726, in conjunction with UK Pet Foods and Northern Parrots

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